Anirban Bhattacharya

About me

Hey there! I'm a vibrant individual, brimming with talent, optimism, and a knack for seeing the bigger picture. My sense of humor adds an extra sparkle to my personality, drawing many people to me like moths to a flame. Of course, I'm not everyone's cup of tea – my occasional bouts of assertiveness and self-interest can rub some the wrong way. Nevertheless, my dedication and hard work shine through in everything I do, ensuring precision and excellence, especially when I'm passionate about a task. Curious about my skills? Keep reading below...

Anirban Bhattacharya

A bit about me is given below...

  • Current Profession: Entrepreneur
  • Organization: OrcaBeam Technologies
  • Address: Hebbal, Bangalore

My Skill Set

I'm currently pursuing BCA from Presidency College, with a fervent passion for Programming and Entrepreneurship. Beyond my academic pursuits, I've delved into the world of coding, where I've found my stride as an intermediate Python developer. My expertise spans various domains including web scraping, web development, data analysis, and data structures and algorithms. Whether it's crafting elegant solutions or unraveling complex datasets, I thrive on the challenges coding presents. Ready to embark on new ventures and explore the endless possibilities of technology.

Python 86%
Entrepreneurship 90%
Django, Python 80%
Trading 65%
Sketching 70%
Mathematics 75%
Photography 75%

Random Facts

A few random facts about me...

Network / Contacts

Books Read

Infinite ;-)


Certificates and Testimonials

My Achievements

Here are a few achievements made by me. Here are a few images of it...

My Hobbies

Listening to music

Music is my ultimate high; it's like oxygen for my soul, an indispensable part of my existence. The melodies of yesteryears hold a special place in my heart, transporting me to a realm of nostalgia and pure bliss. Each note, each lyric resonates with timeless beauty and profound meaning, capable of touching the deepest recesses of anyone's heart. Indeed, old is gold! Among the myriad of musical maestros, a few of my cherished favorites include...


Coding isn't just a hobby; it's my first love, an exhilarating journey where even crafting the smallest program brings immense satisfaction. My playground spans from building websites to wielding the power of web scraping, from crafting intricate logic-building programs to unraveling the mysteries hidden within data. Every line of code is a brushstroke on the canvas of possibility, a testament to my endless fascination with the art and science of programming.


Sketching is not just a hobby for me; it's a form of expression, a way to capture beauty and emotions with just a stroke of pencil. I find solace in creating intricate landscapes and captivating scenes, letting the lines tell the story without the need for colors. However, my true passion lies in portraying the essence of humanity through faces. As a face artist, I've spent countless hours honing my craft, capturing the unique features and personalities of different individuals. Yet, despite my love for sketching, I've noticed a slight decline in my skills lately, and it's something I'm determined to reignite and revitalize :(

Personal Touch

Get in personal touch with me...


Anirban Bhattacharya (

I am also a part-time Instagram content creator. I like to create memes related to coding, ChatGPT, etc. Do visit my page once...

Anirban Bhattacharya

You can also contact me on my WhatsApp number. I am usually active on WhatsApp, so if you want to contact me on an urgent basis, you can DM me on WhatsApp.

Contact me

It will be very glad for me if you will write something...!


Vadodara, Gujarat


+91 6355 853 038